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The company

Our history

  • 2022 : Meca Forging becomes a company of Ardec Industries group and Camelin group

Key statistics

  • 15 employees
  • 2 hitting presses of 220 tonnes - recovery and washing machines
  • The Inox press is a world first from SACMA with its equipment and capacity
  • 1 control machine 100% vision + functional control tapping 100%
  • Capacity of 40 millions pieces/year in stamping
  • 1 robotic rolling machine
  • Plant area : 2000 m2

Our Know-How

  • Specialist in cold stamping of steel pieces (stamping and recovering)
  • Dimension of finished products from Ø 6 mm to Ø 35 mm
  • In-house tooling conception and strong business expertise
  • Very large series production (from 250 000 to 1 million pieces per month)
  • Many possibilities of mechanical recoveries through the group
  • High flexibility with our customers
  • Innovation and improvement of our skills is a top priority for our company
  • The material profit by stamping against machining is about 30% to 50%. It generates a decreasing price on pieces adaptable to this process.
  • Our know-how production is for your needs in : automotive industry, industry, industrial or agricultural vehicles, railway, etc...

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